Thursday 16 February 2012

First novel Blog

Okay the first blog specifacally dedicated to the novel I am writing, so far eight chapters written and reaching the first real showdown between the two main characters, Am quite pleased with how things are going so far but the whole prospect of finding an agent or publisher once the book is written is daunting, it is not so much rejection I fear after all I dont like everything I read but it is the idea that no one will even get to the reading stage, yet if all else fails I know that with this modern technology can always fall back on self publishing as a ebook.  Some how that does not have the same appeal as walking into a bookshop and seeing your book displayed there, or am I just being old fashioned.  I know in some ways I am lucky the whole novel is there in my head it just needs me to find the time and the words to get it all down before I worry about the rest of the process, so not much really for this the first blog on the novel am not sure how much at this point to give away lol.  Maybe a big thankyou to my fb friends who are being my guinea pigs and reading along as I write, they are very patient at waiting for installments to be posted and without their support I might not have believed I was on the right track with this story.

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